When you’re a student, making money on the side can be tough because you have limited time and resources to devote to your financial endeavours. Even though you may not have much to start with, this doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to make money online as a student — whether it’s through your primary job or by taking on freelance work, there are tons of ways you can earn extra income as a student.
With that in mind, here are seven(7) great ways to make money online as a student:
Social Media
I know, it sounds silly that you can make money on social media, but it’s true. Social media is about building relationships and sharing information. By growing your online presence on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, and LinkedIn (among others), you can create highly-targeted opportunities for sponsorships and affiliate marketing. Create an account today if you don’t have one already. Then use these 10 proven ways to make money from home with social media as your starting point! Take advantage of all these free resources now so you can start earning ASAP!
If you have skills that are in demand, like designing web pages or software development, freelancing could be an option for you. Because of its flexible nature, freelancing can be done while attending school full-time and working part-time on nights and weekends. However, it can also be helpful to make extra money even if you’re not looking for a new career. In short, if you’re interested in supplementing your income with some freelance work on your free time, take a look at these ways students can make money online. While it may seem difficult at first glance, once you get started it’s not too difficult.
Creative Pursuits
There are two main ways of making money online: through passive and active income. Passive income is work you can do once and then it continues earning revenue for a long time, even if you’re not working on it. For example, someone who writes children’s books can continue getting royalty checks for years. It’s hard to build passive income streams, but they pay off in huge ways over time.
If you have your own successful business or product, try teaching a course about how you made it big—that way, when people are ready to start their own companies, they’ll know where to go for help. On top of that, you’ll probably make more money than if you just used your business knowledge normally!
Work From Home Opportunities
If you are like most college students, you don’t have much money to spend on extra curricular activities. But working from home is a great way to make money and gain valuable experience. While working in retail or restaurants may be your only option during school breaks and summers, there are several legitimate ways to make money online while still in school. From taking surveys online, blogging, designing graphics or freelancing services—there are plenty of options available for students looking for part-time work that can help pay their tuition.
Paid Surveys
Many students look for ways to make extra money, and one of those ways is through online surveys. These can be done in your free time from home, and there’s no need to pay any money out-of-pocket unless you are looking for a specific type of survey that only certain market research companies offer. These surveys usually pay very little, but every bit helps. To get started, check out these paid survey sites: Survey Junkie; Pinecone Research; Vindale Research; Opinion Outpost; Inbox Dollars. Be sure to read reviews before joining anything or using any site. You want honest reviews so you don’t waste your time or end up losing money!
P2P Lending
Peer-to-peer lending is one of today’s most popular ways to make money online. Though it originated in 2009, peer-to-peer lending has exploded over the past decade and new services are being introduced almost daily. This type of platform connects borrowers and lenders through an online marketplace and allows for loans (usually unsecured) for specific purposes. Some common uses include debt consolidation, new business financing, college tuition funding or paying off credit card debt. If you have decent credit or assets that can be sold for value, there’s plenty of room to get started with peer-to-peer lending—in fact, Investopedia reports that $1 trillion was lent using P2P platforms in 2017 alone!
If you have extra cash and you’re looking for ways to invest, consider putting money into stocks or bonds. You can start out small if you want with sites like Stash or Robinhood and learn as you go. Investing is actually one of the things I wish I had done more of when I was younger; it’s definitely not too late! If investing seems daunting, at least look into robo-advisors that can automatically set aside a small amount of money for your future. It will all add up over time.
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