International students are currently studying at colleges and universities across the United States in record numbers. Because of this, there are more opportunities than ever before to receive funding from scholarships specifically designed to help international students pursue their educational goals, regardless of their course of study or field of interest.
This list features the 10 best scholarships in the United States available to international students today, including information on eligibility requirements, award amounts, deadlines, and links to the application forms where applicable. Read on to learn about some of the most generous scholarship opportunities available today!

USC Price Scholarship
The USC Price Scholarship Program is one of the scholarships in the United States available to international students and U.S. citizens who attend or plan to attend an accredited college or university in southern California. Awards range from $1,000 to $20,000 and are renewable for up to four years as long as you maintain good academic standing.
Specific majors aren’t required; instead, they’re given based on how your field of study fits into one of their five focus areas: finance and economics, health care and biotechnology, engineering and technology entrepreneurship, and venture capital investment management. Candidates must be nominated by an official school representative (in most cases).
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Fulbright Scholarships
The Fulbright scholarship is also one of the scholarships in the United States, and undergraduate students from selected countries around the world can apply to receive one of these prestigious awards, which cover both tuition and living expenses. Each award is worth between $15,000 and $25,000 per year. The US Department of State also offers one-year English Language Teaching Assistantships (ELTAs) to students with degrees in any subject who wish to teach English overseas.
Applicants must be proficient enough in written and spoken English to teach at post-secondary schools abroad.
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You can also apply for: Alberta MBA Scholarship
Chevening UK Government Funding Program
This scholarship program is run by the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and it’s specifically designed to allow students from developing countries to pursue their studies in the UK. To be eligible, you must apply while attending high school (high school seniors are also welcome to apply), have top academic grades, and demonstrate leadership potential as well as financial need.
If you’re a high school student interested in pursuing your studies outside of your home country, don’t miss out on Chevening Scholarship opportunities!
For more information, Click Here
The Robert Bosch Foundation German Government Scholarship
The Robert Bosch Foundation is one of the scholarships in the United States and awards 100 scholarships each year to international students coming to study at universities in Germany. This full-tuition award is granted through your host institution and covers tuition, travel expenses, and books. To be eligible, you must have received an undergraduate degree prior to starting your master’s degree program and must have completed some college-level German language training before entering Germany.
In addition, candidates must show proof of financial need and demonstrate academic excellence. Applicants are also required to complete two years of work with their sponsoring organization upon completion of their studies. As one of the best scholarships for international students, it should come as no surprise that there are more than 3,000 applicants per year vying for just 100 spots.
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The Gates Cambridge Scholarship Program
The Gates Cambridge Scholarship Program is an initiative of Cambridge University, funded by Bill and Melinda Gates. The program provides funding for outstanding international students to study at either Darwin College or Hughes Hall. To be eligible, you must have excellent scores on your undergraduate degree as well as exceptional potential to make a major contribution to society.
The program is open to all nationalities and there are no age restrictions (meaning some scholarships are available to those over 25). Applicants must apply through their relevant university and need not apply directly.
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The Fund for American Studies (TFAS) National Fellowship
This is one of our favorite scholarships in the United States for international students. The aim of TFAS’s National Fellowship is to help prepare emerging leaders from outside the United States by providing them with two years of training, support, and development opportunities. The program accepts 10 fellows each year and covers all costs, including tuition, housing, and travel.
Fellows are selected based on academic achievement and leadership potential; however, they’re also evaluated on how well their proposed coursework aligns with TFAS’s mission. This award might be particularly appealing to international students because it offers more than just a scholarship; it also provides professional development opportunities that will build your network as you look to pursue your career goals back home.
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The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program
An undergraduate or graduate student who is receiving Federal Pell Grant funding at a two-year or four-year college or university is eligible to apply. Recipients may use their awards to study abroad for one semester, one academic year, or one summer.
To receive an award, students must participate in an approved study abroad program that meets Gilman eligibility requirements. Their work must relate directly to their major field of study and career goals; they cannot receive credit toward their degrees by studying abroad under Gilman funding.
For more information, Click Here
Don’t forget to apply for: Tsinghua University Schwarzman Scholarship
China Scholarship Council (CSC) Tier 1–Leaders in Education Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Award
The CSC Leaders in Education Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Award provides scholarships of up to $12,000 each year to American students majoring in education and working towards K-12 Chinese language certification.
Fellows must commit to working as a Chinese-language teaching assistant at an accredited Chinese university for one year after graduation. CSC accepts applications from Americans pursuing undergraduate or graduate degrees from accredited institutions.
In exchange, fellows commit to working as full-time teachers at accredited Chinese universities and studying Mandarin during their free time (usually one class per week). Applicants must be fluent English speakers with proficiency equivalent to that achieved through two years of intensive study at an institution like Middlebury College’s summer immersion program.
For more information, Click Here
The Institute of International Education (IIE) Generation Study Abroad Initiative
The IIE’s Generation Study Abroad Initiative focuses on helping students plan, apply, and successfully complete study abroad programs. The program connects American students with information about study abroad options, resources to find funding to make their programs possible, and opportunities to participate in special events. Applicants are selected based on their academic merit, their financial need, and most importantly, their interest in studying abroad.
This initiative is open to all international students with plans to attend an accredited U.S. college or university. An applicant must be at least 18 years old and enrolled as a high school senior or undergraduate student at an accredited U.S., state-supported college or university outside of New York City; applicants who are enrolled at an accredited U.S., independent college or university are also eligible.
For more information, Click Here
Student Research Participation Program at NASA
The Student Research Participation Program at NASA is one of the most prestigious scholarships in the United States and is sponsored by NASA’s Office of Education and administered by the Universities Space Research Association (USRA). It is an exciting research opportunity that allows undergraduate and graduate students to participate in spaceflight missions.
Each year, through competitive selection, outstanding students from around the world are chosen to work with scientists and engineers on real space science investigations, helping to launch cutting-edge research.
The program provides grants of up to $20,000 per student/team and offers opportunities to pursue academic excellence as well as hands-on learning experiences through real-world projects in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This valuable experience will help prepare students for future careers.
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