Chatham University is awarding scholarships to graduate and undergraduate students in order to acknowledge their academic success.

Chatham Scholarship Details and Eligibility Requirements
- Students must complete an admissions application, be accepted to the University, and, in some situations, interview or audition to be considered for a Chatham Scholarship.
- Chatham also provides considerable need-based financial aid. To determine need-based funding, students must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). There are no other forms that must be filled out.
- October 1: The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) opens for the start of the fall semester. Fill out the FAFSA and include the school code 003244 for Chatham.
- November 15: For the spring/January semester start, make sure you file your FAFSA as soon as possible to be considered for need-based help.
- December 1: Priority application deadline for spring term starts.
You can also: Apply for Alberta NBA Scholarship here
Want to Apply for Chatham University Graduate Scholarship ?
Chatham University offers a number of options for funding your graduate degree. The link below will walk you through the numerous funding options available to graduate students.
Click here to apply for Chatham Scholarahip as a graduate student.
Chatham University Undergraduate Students Scholarships:
Rachel Carson Full Tuition Scholarship
The Rachel Carson Grant is an annual renewable scholarship that covers tuition for each academic year at Chatham University for a total of four years (120 credits).
The Rachel Carson Grant is an annual renewable scholarship that covers tuition for each academic year at Chatham University for a total of four years.
Heffer Family Scholarship
The Heffer Family Scholarship is a $10,000 annually renewable scholarship awarded to female students.
Up to two new scholarships are awarded each year by the Heffer family.
Karen Lake Scholarship
The Karen Lake Scholarship is a yearly renewable scholarship available to students with a minimum 3.5 GPA. Students of Asian, Latino, African, and Native American descent, as well as students with outstanding academic potential and financial need, are encouraged to apply.
Awards $10,000 in total, annually renewable if you have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better and are enrolled full-time.
Rachel Carson Healthy Planet Annual Scholarship award
The Rachel Carson Healthy Planet Award will be granted to a deserving high school junior from each high school in the United States and around the world who exemplifies Rachel Carson’s commitment to sustainability and community development.
Current high school juniors in the United States and abroad who have been recommended by a teacher, school counselor, or adviser are eligible for this honor.
Award Amount: $5,000
Priority deadline: June 1
You may also apply for: Alberta MBA Scholarship
Academic Scholarship Days
Academic Scholarship Days, which are exclusively open to accepted students, provide students with the opportunity to be recognized for their great leadership abilities. To be eligible for the prize, students must attend one of Chatham University’s Academic Scholarship Days. Prior to the start of the student’s first semester at Chatham University, the student must attend a scholarship interview day.
Amount: $3,000 maximum
Annually renewable if you have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better and are enrolled full-time.
Minna Kaufmann Ruud Music Scholarship
For qualified vocalists planning to major in music or incorporate music into an interdepartmental major at Chatham University. Chatham Choir participation is essential. Please submit the filled application form to be considered for this scholarship. There is a requirement for an audition.
Amount: $3,500 maximum
Annually renewable, with an annual audition
More details: Click here