Bright Futures Scholarship
The name of a scholarship program in the state of Florida is Bright Futures. It was founded in 1997 and is supported by the Florida Lottery.
As of January 2022, the program funds four scholarships for students who attend a Florida high school and earn a GED as a Florida resident, homeschooled students who have been registered with their local district for at least two years, or out-of-state students who earn a diploma from non-Florida school while living with a parent or legal guardian who is on military or public service assignment outside of Florida; and attend an eligible Florida post-secondary institution.

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Bright Futures Scholarship Requirements:
This section does cover the most typical scenario to qualify for Bright Futures scholarship.
Click here for a complete list of ways to qualify :
- Academic Scholars of Florida (FAS): A minimum weighted GPA of 3.50 is required, as well as completion of prerequisite courses[a], an ACT composite score of 29 or a SAT combined reading/math score of 1330, and 100 volunteer service hours. Alternatively, be a National Merit Finalist or Scholar, or a National Hispanic Scholar, or acquire an Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) certificate, or an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma; and 100 voluntary service hours; and completion of specified courses.
- Florida Medallion Scholars(FMS): FMS requirements include a minimum weighted GPA of 3.00, completion of necessary courses[a], an ACT composite score of 25 or a SAT combined reading/math score of 1210, and 75 hours of volunteer work. Alternatively, be a National Merit Finalist or Scholar, or a National Hispanic Scholar, or get an Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) certification, or earn an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma; and complete 75 voluntary service hours.
- Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars(GSV):Minimum weighted GPA of 3.00 in non-elective courses; minimum weighted GPA of 3.50 in career education courses (must take at least 3 career education courses); and minimum ACT Reading, English, and Math scores of 19, 17, and 19, respectively, or minimum SAT Reading, Writing, and Math scores of 24, 25, and 24, respectively, or minimum Florida Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.) Reading, Writing, and Math scores of 106, 107, and Only at postsecondary schools that offer an applied technology diploma, a technical degree program, or a career certificate program may it be used.
- Florida Gold Seal CAPE Scholars (GSC): Earn a minimum of five postsecondary credit hours and 30 volunteer service hours through Career and Professional Education (CAPE) industry certifications that apply for college credit. [1] Only in institutions that offer an applied technology diploma, a technical degree education program (associate in applied science or associate in science), or a career certificate program may this card be utilized. A GSC Scholar may be eligible for an extra award of up to 60 credit hours toward a bachelor degree after completing an approved associate degree program.
(a) 4 years of English instruction (3 of which must include substantial writing)
Mathematics for four years (all at or above Algebra I)
Natural Sciences for 3 years (2 of which must include substantial laboratory work)
Social Sciences for 3 years
World Languages (World Languages) (World Languages) (World Languages) ( (must be sequential classes in the same language)
Furthermore, the Bright Futures program awards an Academic Top Scholar (ATS) award to the student with the highest academic rank in each of Florida’s 67 counties, which is calculated by multiplying the student’s GPA and ACT/SAT score.
All requirements must be completed by January 31 of the mid-year graduating senior’s graduation year (i.e. students who graduate after one semester of their senior year) or June 30 of the normal graduating senior’s graduation year.
Amounts of awards
- FAS: 100% of tuition and fees at public colleges and universities, or a comparable sum at private colleges and universities[3].
- FMS: 100% tuition and fees if enrolled in an associate degree program at a member of the Florida College System; otherwise, 75% tuition and fees at public schools or a comparable amount at private universities.
- GSV: For institutions that operate on a semester system: Career Certificate Program (CCP) or Applied Technology Diploma Program (ATDP): $39 per credit hour; Technical Degree Education Program (TDEP) or Bachelors of Science (BS)/Bachelors of Applied Science (BAS): $49 per credit hour. For quarter-system institutions, the CCP or ATDP program costs $26 per credit hour, whereas the TDEP or BS/BAS program costs $32. Summer courses are not permitted. [3]
- GSC: $39/credit hour for CCP or ATDP at semester-based institutions, $49/credit hour for TDEP or BS/BAS at semester-based universities. For quarter-system institutions, the CCP or ATDP program costs $26 per credit hour, whereas the TDEP or BS/BAS program costs $32. Summer courses are not permitted. [3]
- ATS: An additional $44 per credit hour on top of the FAS scholarship.
Follow the above link to apply for Bright Futures Scholarship