Stanford University Academic Requirements for Students: Stanford University is an American private university in Stanford, California. It also has campuses in Los Angeles and Cambridge. Established by John Leland Stanford in 1891, the university’s main campus is situated in the suburb of Stanford. It is also known as the “public square” of the university since it’s located on Highway 101.
The university has three-degree programs: undergraduate, graduate, and professional. On top of that, it offers various courses in different fields, such as humanities, social sciences, and computer sciences. Students who apply to Stanford must meet all of its mandatory requirements to get accepted into the university.
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Stanford University Academic Requirements for Students
Stanford University has mandatory requirements for all students. These requirements are mainly for academic and personal development purposes. Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 to be able to enroll at Stanford University. They also have to complete their mandatory courses before they can start their coursework at the university.
The university’s admission requirements also differ depending on the college students are applying to. Additionally, a high GPA is essential for applicants to achieve an ideal academic standing at Stanford.
For instance, applicants to the College of Engineering must have a minimum GPA of 3.8 and must complete at least three semesters of calculus or computer science courses by the end of their senior year in high school. By contrast, applicants to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 and must complete at least two semesters of courses in their major by the end of their senior year in high school.
Read also “Is 3.0–3.5 a good GPA for a university student?”
Other required criteria include GPA, class rank, DNS, interview performance, extracurricular activities, and college recommendations for selected colleges and majors at Stanford.
Moreover, they must complete all compulsory courses that their major requires them to take before they can graduate from Stanford University with a degree in that particular field of study. For example, a business major would require them to take several courses related to business before they could commence their degree program at Stanford University.

Stanford SAT Score Requirements
Although many schools have no SAT score cutoff, the truth is that there is a hidden SAT requirement based on the school’s average score.
The average SAT score composite at the Stanford University on the 1600 SAT scale is 1505.
Additionally, students must submit proof that they meet all these requirements before applying for any type of leave at Stanford University during their first year there. Stanford offers several different degree programs for students.
How Many Programs are Available at Stanford University?
There are over 350 undergraduate majors available across 14 colleges and schools at Stanford University. Students can choose from 12 undergraduate degree programs based on academic excellence and discipline orientation options when applying to the university via the Common Application or Coalition Application processes.
Besides choosing their desired undergraduate program, future students must then pick a college or college based on their major’s college selection process so that they can complete their required courses with future colleges being applicable to their major program’s curriculum requirements. For example, if you are planning on going into business management, you will have to go through the college selection process and select either the College of Engineering or the College of Arts & Sciences when applying to the university so that you can complete your required courses through those colleges first.
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Why choose Stanford University?
Typically, Stanford students achieve exceptional GPAs while studying at the university, predominantly due to its rigorous coursework and high student retention rates. Most students complete 12 semesters before graduating with a bachelor’s degree—averaging about two semesters per year on campus.
Students typically graduate with bachelor’s degrees in about four years if they are able to maintain good grades while studying at Stanford University. Of course, exceptional GPAs can help students earn early promotions or scholarships that extend their time on campus or ease their financial obligations while studying there.
Besides excelling academically, prospective Stanford students should investigate the university’s considerable benefits package before submitting an application packet. This includes tuition waivers for dependent children and free healthcare services that include dental services, eye exams, and prescription drugs for undergraduate students only—not graduate or professional students at Stanford University Medical Center (SUMC).
Additionally, private transportation through On Track International is provided for both undergraduates and graduates who live within 100 miles of campus during their first year as an undergraduate or during their first two years as a graduate student at Stanford University School of Medicine (SUSOM), Graduate School of Business (GSB), Graduate School of Education (GSE), School of Engineering (SOE), or Hewlett Packard Enterprise School (HPE). Last but not least, admittance into one of Stanford’s 450–500 campus housing options is guaranteed for all incoming freshmen based on academic standing, with priority given to undergraduates who maintain good GPAs while studying there.
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Prospective college students should carefully consider the above information before submitting an application for admission to Stanford University since excellent GPAs are essential for achieving ideal academic standing there—regardless of future plans such as pursuing graduate studies or becoming employed after graduation.