Our guide to the best countries to study linguistics includes tuition costs and student exchange programs for studying abroad.

If you’re looking for a career in linguistics, there’s no shortage of opportunities. In fact, it’s one of the fastest growing fields right now because so many people are interested in how language works and how we can use it to communicate more effectively.

But where should you study linguistics?

We have ranked the top 10 countries for studying linguistics to help you decide.

Read also >>> Top 10 Best Countries in Europe for Masters degree

Ranking of the Top 10 Best Countries to Study Linguistics

Study linguistics in these countries to get a hands-on, immersive experience of the culture and language:


Germany has some of the world’s best linguistics programs. It’s also home to a large number of universities and students, which means that you have plenty of options when it comes to finding an appropriate program.

Germany has more than 1,000 institutions offering bachelor’s degrees in linguistics throughout its territory – including its capital city, Berlin. This makes it easy for international students who want to study abroad with their peers from other countries or continents.

Germany is currently ranked 1st on our list of best Countries to study Linguistics.

Top Universities in Germany to study Linguistics

Here are some top universities in Germany to study linguistics, according to our higher education experts:

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United Kingdom

If you want to study linguistics, the United Kingdom also has a wide selection of universities and colleges that offer programs in linguistics.

The United Kingdom is currently ranked 2nd on our list of best countries to study linguistics.

Top 10 Universities in the United Kingdom to Study Linguistics

Here are some top universities in the United Kingdom to study linguistics, according to our higher education experts:

>>> You can Apply for Fully funded Scholarships in the United Kingdom here


Japan is a leader in artificial intelligence and a strong economy, with a high standard of living for its citizens. The country has an extensive history of linguistics, with several universities focusing on the study of language and linguistics. There are over 100 universities that offer courses in English and Japanese, as well as research institutes dedicated to working on new approaches to learning languages through technology.

Japan is currently ranked 3rd on our list of the best countries to study linguistics.

Japanese is one of the most complex languages in the world; it’s spoken by over 130 million people worldwide, but only about 1% use it daily, or even weekly! This means there are thousands upon thousands of words available for you to learn about when studying at home or abroad!

Top Universities in Japan to Study Linguistics

Here are some top universities in Japan to study linguistics, according to our higher education experts:


France is also a great place to study linguistics. French people are known for their love of language and literature, and France has long been considered a hub for linguistic research.

The country’s rich history in linguistics dates back to the 17th century when Jean-Baptiste de Condillac published his Essai sur l’origine des connaissances humaines (1754).

The modern era began with Ferdinand de Saussure’s Cours de Linguistique Générale (1894), which introduced structuralism as an approach to describing language.

In addition to these landmark works by Saussure and his contemporaries, there are several other important contributions from thinkers such as Charles Bally, Laurent Dauphiné, Louis Hjelmslev, and Roman Jakobson—all of whom have left their mark on how contemporary scholars view language today.

France is currently ranked 4th on our list of best countries to study linguistics.

Top Universities in France to Study Linguistics

Here are some top universities in France to study linguistics, according to our higher education experts:

Also read >>> Top 10 Low Tuition Universities in Austria, Admission Requirements and Education System for International Students


Canada is also one of the Best Countries to study linguistics as there are many universities in Canada that offer linguistics degrees, and they have a lot of linguistic diversity.

Canada has a lot of linguistic history.

It also has a lot of research and resources for linguists.

Canada is currently ranked 5th on our list of best Countries to study Linguistics.

Top Universities in Canada to study Linguistics

Here are some top Universities in Canada to study Linguistics, according to our higher education experts:

  • University of Toronto
  • University of British Columbia
  • University of Alberta
  • University of Montreal
  • University of Calgary


Sweden is a country with a high number of languages spoken, and the country is home to the highest number of speakers of minority languages in Europe. The Swedish language is an official language, but there are also several indigenous languages spoken in Sweden, including Sami (or Saami), Finnish and dialects from other Scandinavian countries like Norway and Denmark.

Sweden has more than 100 million people who speak at least one non-Swedish language at home: German comes second at 67 million speakers; French third at about 60 million; English fourth with about 57 million speakers; Spanish fifth with about 51 million speakers; Arabic sixth with about 34 million speakers; Russian seventh with 25 million speakers…and so on!

Sweden is currently ranked 6th on our list of best Countries to study Linguistics.

Top Universities in Sweden to study Linguistics

Here are some top Universities in Sweden to study Linguistics, according to our higher education experts:

South Korea

South Korea is one of the most linguistically advanced countries in the world. Its population is highly educated and language learning is considered an essential part of education. The country has a strong history of language learning, which has given it one of the highest numbers of language learners in the world.

South Korea also has many linguistics programs at its universities, which makes it ideal for those who want to study this area further. In order to pursue a career as a linguist or translator, you need to have some knowledge about your profession’s history and what makes it unique compared to other professions such as medicine or law enforcement.”

South Korea is currently ranked 7th on our list of best Countries to study Linguistics.

Top Universities in South Korea to study Linguistics

Here are some top Universities in South Korea to study Linguistics, according to our higher education experts:

Related post >>> Top 10 Low Tuition Universities in Norway, Admission Requirements and Education System for International Students


Ireland is also a favorable place to study linguistics.

Ireland has a strong academic reputation for linguistics. In 2011, it was ranked by the Times Higher Education Supplement as one of the best universities in Britain and Ireland (6th overall). It also features as one of only three European institutions that make it into The Guardian’s top 100 universities list every year since 2010: 2016 sees it at number 25!

Ireland has a strong reputation for research in linguistics too, particularly within its School of English & Humanistic Studies (SOHS) at University College Dublin (UCD). This includes work by leading scholars such as Clare Dane; Brian Leiter; Michelangelo Landolfi; Michael Walsh and others who have helped shape our understanding of language today – from semantics through pragmatics up through syntax!

Ireland is currently ranked 8th on our list of best Countries to study Linguistics.

Top Universities in Ireland for Linguistics Study

Here are some top universities in Ireland to study linguistics, according to our higher education experts:

Top Universities for Linguistics Study Top Universities for Linguistics Study Top Universities for Linguistics Study Top Universities for Linguistics Study Top Universities for Linguistics Study


Finland is a country with a long history of Linguistics study. The country has been home to famous scholars such as Elias Lönnrot, who discovered Kalevala, one of the most important sources for Finnish folklore. It’s also known for its strong culture of multilingualism and its research in linguistics, computational linguistics and translation studies.

As you might expect from such an advanced nation, Finland has many renowned universities that offer courses in these areas; here are some:

  • University of Helsinki – a leading institution in both linguistics and computer science research; its departmental website offers information on current PhD programmes (as well as master’s programmes) related to this field

Finland is currently ranked 9th on our list of best Countries to study Linguistics.

Top Universities in Finland to study Linguistics

Here are some top Universities in Finland to study Linguistics, according to our higher education experts:

The United States – USA

The United States, if not the best, also ranks among the best countries to study linguistics programs in the world. It’s hard to argue with that, right?

It’s also worth pointing out that there are a few reasons why this is true:

  • Linguists are everywhere.
  • Linguists have access to many different languages and dialects.
  • Linguists have access to technology that allows them to collect data from large numbers of speakers.

Top Universities in the United States to study Linguistics

Here are some top Universities in the United States to study Linguistics, according to our higher education experts:

  • Cornell University
  • University of Southern California
  • University of Maryland-College Park
  • University of Chicago

>>> You can Apply for Fully funded Scholarships in the United States here

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